Category Archives: Messages from Geoff

In which the Author writes a vampire novel…

After writing dozens of non-fiction books on mysteries, witchcraft, zombies, ghosts, poltergeists, murders,

bodysnatching and other gleeful subjects, I’ve finally finished my first novel.

It’s a vampire novel, which will perhaps surprise no one given my genre tastes, but in addition to featuring serial

killers, explosions, bodily naughtiness, and jokes about Jimi Hendrix, it is also an alternative history.

Basically, I’m attempting to do nothing less than replace the current standard vampire mythology with an entirely

new one based around evolutionary biology and cutting-edge archaeological thinking.

I know, modesty has always been one of my greater faults.

Now that the novel is finished, the real hard work begins: trying to find a publisher or agent. Despite having written 31 non-fiction books, when it comes to getting a first novel published I’m back on the starting block.

I’ll let you know how I get on.

In which the Author writes on zombies for the History Press blog…

With Halloween upon us, the October Newsletter of the History Press (publishers of

Zombies from History among other fine works) turns appropriately to thoughts of ghost and ghoul. I’ve contributed five zombilicious items to their blog:

Zombies: the return of the dead in history

A zombie hunter’s guide

Where to ride out the zombie apocalypse

Anti-zombie weapons

And the all-important question: Why do we love zombies?

Enjoy the zombie jamboree.

In which the Author finds poltergeists have no deadline sense…


What is a Poltergeist


If you’ve been watching the interviews about poltergeists on this site and YouTube, you will have seen me say that the ebook What is a Poltergeist? Understanding Poltergeist Activity was due to be published at the end of December.

Unfortunately due to a glitch in the space-time continuum this was not possible. The most up-to-date news from the e-gnomes in the vast underground complex of GeoffHolderVirtualWorld™ is that the book may be available at the end of January, but that depends on the deliveries of digital dragons’ blood arriving on time, so February might be a better bet. Apologies.







In which the Author appears in Tesco…


When you’re an author, people send you things – books, music, invitations, that sort of thing. Which is nice. Something new arrived the other day – what might be called my first example of a ‘book sighting’. “I was very surprised,” wrote my literary correspondent, “when I was shopping in Tesco in Dundee and came across the name Geoff Holder in the book section.” So surprised, indeed, that she took a photo on her mobile and sent it to me. Thank you, Sarah – this is the first time a reader has done that.

Three of my books on sale in Tesco. All this and points too.

Other photos of my books in situ welcome.


In which the Author talks bodysnatching at Bellshill…


On Thursday 25th October I’ll be lurking with intent at the Bellshill Cultural Centre, talking about the history of Scottish bodysnatching, possibly with an element of audience participation.


The event starts at 7pm and is free, Booking not essential but advisable, on 01698 346770. The illustrated talk is part of the North Lanarkshire Cultural Festival, Encounters.


Is that graveyard dirt on your hands, sir…?