Tag Archives: what is a poltergeist

In which the Author turns up in the Daily Mail and the Perthshire Advertiser…


PA polt feature small 19122013

On 19 February features on my new book Poltergeist over Scotland appeared in both the Scottish Daily Mail and the Perthshire Advertiser, the former written by Jim McBeth and the latter by Paul Cargill. Copies of the articles can be seen here.

There are also positive reviews of the book on both the Magonia Blog and Review of Books, by Peter Rogerson  ) and by Brother Truth on The Conspiracy Review.

And a reminder that at 7pm on Wednesday 27th February I’m giving a talk entitled ‘Sex, Lies and Poltergeists’ at Waterstones Bookshop, Argyle Street, Glasgow. Entry is free and I’ll be signing books afterwards.

Poltergeists: they walk among us.




In which the Author publishes an ebook on poltergeists…


At long last What is a Poltergeist? Understanding Poltergeist Activity has materialised, if indeed an ebook can be said to have a material presence. To quote from the official blurb:

A new ebook introduction to poltergeists examining the theories and presenting the latest research evidence for poltergeist activity. This book explores possible answers to the question ‘what is a poltergeist’?

What is a poltergeist? Are they the restless souls of the dead? Demons? Witches’ familiars? Household spirits? Mysterious earth energies? Unknown powers of the mind? Or hoaxes? This ebook takes the well-known poltergeist phenomena – the movement of objects by invisible forces, the noises, the eruptions of fire, water and electrical disturbance – and maps them against changing ideas and beliefs. The author presents the latest theories and research evidence in his search for answers.


Here’s the chapter headings:

What is a Poltergeist


Chapter 1                  Poltergeists are… Demons

Chapter 2                  Poltergeists are… Witchcraft

Chapter 3                  Poltergeists are… Ghosts

Chapter 4                  Poltergeists are… Fairies

Chapter 5                  Poltergeists are… Vampires

Chapter 6                  Poltergeists are… Powers  of the Human Mind

Chapter 7                  Poltergeists are… Thoughtforms

Chapter 8                  Poltergeists are… Hoaxes

Chapter 9                  Poltergeists are… Forces of Nature

Chapter 10                A Conclusion of Sorts


The cases are principally drawn from the USA, Canada, Scotland, England, Ireland, France, Germany, Australia and Japan, with others taken from Africa, Eastern Europe, Indonesia, South America and Iraq. Yes, the poltergeist is a citizen of the world.

The prolix author waxes enthusiastic on the topic of poltergeists on this very website here and also on something called YouTube.

What is a Poltergeist? Understanding Poltergeist Activity is published by David & Charles/FW Media International and is available on Amazon(UK) and Amazon(US) for Kindle, Kobo, Feedbooks, Lybrary.com, and other cyberspace vendors, and shouldn’t set you back more than five dollars.




In which the Author finds poltergeists have no deadline sense…


What is a Poltergeist


If you’ve been watching the interviews about poltergeists on this site and YouTube, you will have seen me say that the ebook What is a Poltergeist? Understanding Poltergeist Activity was due to be published at the end of December.

Unfortunately due to a glitch in the space-time continuum this was not possible. The most up-to-date news from the e-gnomes in the vast underground complex of GeoffHolderVirtualWorld™ is that the book may be available at the end of January, but that depends on the deliveries of digital dragons’ blood arriving on time, so February might be a better bet. Apologies.







In which the Author talks poltergeists on the Paranormal Podcast…


The estimable Jim Harold, host of that splendid internet radio institution known as the Paranormal Podcast, has just upped a 30-minute interview with the humble author, Jim’s first post of the New Year. Poltergeists are discussed in detail, with reference to areas such as ‘polts are demons’, ‘polts are ghosts’, ‘polts are vampires’ and such like. Yes, it’s gone polt-shaped around here.

See http://jimharold.com/the-paranormal-podcast/what-is-a-poltergeist-with-geoff-holder-paranormal-podcast-267/








In which the Author talks about poltergeists on YouTube…


To mark the fact that I’ve got two books on poltergeists coming out, a series of interviews with the humble if prolix author have been posted on that there YouTube.

The interviews concentrate on both the ebook What is a Poltergeist? – Understanding Poltergeist Activity and the conventional book Poltergeist Over Scotland. For the former, which will be available for download soon, I discuss the nine different theories/beliefs that have been put forward over the centuries to explain poltergeists:

  1. Demons
  2. Witchcraft
  3. Ghosts
  4. Fairies
  5. Vampires
  6. Psychokinesis (powers of the mind)
  7. Tulpas (thoughtforms)
  8. Hoaxes
  9. Natural forces (electromagnetism, geomagnetism, earth movements etc.)

These are illustrated with cases from throughout the world, including America, Europe and Asia.

When discussing Poltergeist over Scotland I talk about some of the 134 cases I’ve uncovered over the past 400 years. This is the first ever history of Scottish poltergeists.

The interview clips are being released in 16 parts over the next week or so, both on this website here and on YouTube. Collect the set!