Tag Archives: the history press

In which the Author publishes a new book on Scotland…

Little Book of Scotland

My latest book, The Little Book of Scotlandhas just been published. Here’s the blurb:

The ultimate compendium of trivia miscellany about Scotland’s unusual history

Take a funny, fast-paced, fact-packed look at the most frivolous, fantastic, or simply strange information that there

is to tell about Scotland. Here we find out about unusual crimes and punishments, eccentric inhabitants, famous

sons and daughters, and literally hundreds of other wacky facts about Scotland. This book contains historic and

contemporary trivia, including such gems as the real story of William “Braveheart” Wallace, which king was

murdered in a barn, and where the World War II Commandos were formed. With subjects ranging from Sir Walter Scott to Sir Sean Connery, Queen Victoria to Mary Queens of Scots, this remarkably engaging compendium is

essential reading for travelers and Scots alike.

scottish sun

The book has already picked up a fair amount of press interest in Scotland: here’s the full-page feature from

Saturday’s Scottish Sun. No doubt more to come.

The Little Book of Scotland can be picked up online here or here or at your favourite bricks-and-mortar bookshop – support bookshops, people, especially independent bookshops, they are Good Things.

In which the Author writes on zombies for the History Press blog…

With Halloween upon us, the October Newsletter of the History Press (publishers of

Zombies from History among other fine works) turns appropriately to thoughts of ghost and ghoul. I’ve contributed five zombilicious items to their blog:

Zombies: the return of the dead in history

A zombie hunter’s guide

Where to ride out the zombie apocalypse

Anti-zombie weapons

And the all-important question: Why do we love zombies?

Enjoy the zombie jamboree.

In which the Author has a new book published (this one’s on zombies)…

Zombies from History: A Hunter’s Guide has just been published by the History Press. 

Here’s the back cover blurb:

Are you worried about the zombie apocalypse? Kept awake each night imagining you’ll only manage to take out a

few before that chap at No. 9 gets you? Well, fret no more! Clasp a copy of this book and get a better class of

horrible death from one of Britain’s best-loved historical legends. With full zombie-hunting details – including the

locations of tombs, any wounds and weaknesses, and a carefully calculated difficulty level – no apocalyptic history

lover should leave home without it!

FULL DETAILS of where to find –and how to kill – all of Britain’s most historic zombies.

FACT FILES on the undead in history, including ROMAN REVENANTS, people who were BURIED ALIVE and some RESURRECTED ROYAL CORPSES!


And here a few zombies for your delecatation… Oliver Cromwell, Charles Darwin and St Patrick respectively:

happy hunting….

oliver cromwellZombies-52 USEZombies-2 USE alt

In which the author publishes another book (again)


My new book, Haunted St Andrews, is published today (29 June). The list of contents should give you an idea what to expect:


Chapter 1  – The White Lady and The Haunted Tower


Chapter 2 – A Haunted Cluster – the Ghosts of The Pends, St Leonard’s School and Queen Mary’s House


Chapter 3 – Ghosts of Castle and Cloister


Chapter 4 – Ghosts of Town and Gown


Chapter 5 – Pitmilly House – Poltergeist Manor!


Chapter 6 – A Pair of Poltergeists


Chapter 7 – Death Warnings, Dead Air and Ghost Villages


I will be doing a book signing at the esteemed bookshop of J & G Innes, St Andrews on Saturday 21 July. Meanwhile, there will be articles on Haunted St Andrews in the Scottish Daily Mail (Saturday 30th June) and the Glasgow Herald (Sunday 8 July). There was going to be a televised interview on BBC’s Reporting Scotland, but they cancelled at the last minute (and there was me having ironed a clean shirt and shaved my manly stubble – honestly, the sacrifices I make for my public…)


Haunted St Andrews is published by The History Press at £9.99, and is available from your local high street bookshop or from Amazon.