Tag Archives: radio

In which the Author talks poltergeists on the radio…

Poltergeists, Scotland & Darkness Radio – what’s not to like?
Had fun talking about my book ‘Poltergeist over Scotland’ with Tim Dennis (@DRTimDennis) of Minnesota’s noted sensible weirdos Darkness Radio (@DarknessRadio, www.DarknessRadio.com).
Here’s the recording:
 Poltergeist Over Scotland

In which the Author appears on Into the Dark Radio (again) to talk zombies…

Those estimable gentlemen Steve Rogers and Shawn McMahon recently allowed me to blether on about Zombies from History: A Hunter’s Guide on their podcast-tastic Into the Dark Radio show. We talked anti-zombie weapons, where best to ride out the forthcoming zombie apocalypse, how the zombie of Charles Darwin would probably be writing Great Exhumations and David Potter’s Field, and other fun stuff, not least the exploding corpse of William

the Conqueror.

(It’s great being an author of the strange and peculiar: you can write “the exploding corpse of William the

Conqueror” as if it’s the most normal sentence in the world.)

You can listen to the podcast via iTunes or Stitcher, or go to Into the Dark Radio itself.

into the dark zombies

In which the Author talks poltergeists on Into the Dark Radio…


There is a podcast.

It is on Into the Dark Radio, www.intothedarkradio.net/apps/podcast/311740.

It is about poltergeists. Some of them from Scotland.

There is also wittering about poltergeists from the USA, Canada, France and other locations.

Vampires, demons, witches, fairies, thoughtforms and psychokinesis get a look-in.

Occasionally, jokes are made. One or two of them may even pass for being funny.

Into the Dark Radio is based in Ohio, yet can be heard and downloaded across the known world thanks to the miracle of the thing that all the cool kids are calling ‘the internet’.


Ta to Steve Rogers and Shawn McMahon for allowing me to maunder on. Follow them on that there Twitter, @IntoTheDrkRadio.



In which the Author talks poltergeists on the Paranormal Podcast…


The estimable Jim Harold, host of that splendid internet radio institution known as the Paranormal Podcast, has just upped a 30-minute interview with the humble author, Jim’s first post of the New Year. Poltergeists are discussed in detail, with reference to areas such as ‘polts are demons’, ‘polts are ghosts’, ‘polts are vampires’ and such like. Yes, it’s gone polt-shaped around here.

See http://jimharold.com/the-paranormal-podcast/what-is-a-poltergeist-with-geoff-holder-paranormal-podcast-267/








In which the author appears on the wireless again…


On Wednesday 20 June I was interviewed on Dundee radio station Wave 102FM about Haunted St Andrews, which will be published on 29 June. The White Lady and the mummies of the Haunted Tower got an airing, which is nice, along with several other posh ghosts.


More events (book signings and talks) and media appearances (newspaper features) are on their way soon regarding Haunted St Andrews, so keep a weather eye out.


In which the author guests on Lakeland Radio…


On Tuesday 10th April I’m the guest on the Dan Beale show on Lakeland Radio, the commercial radio station for South Lakeland. I’ll be wittering on about Paranormal Cumbria, Bownessie, and the Victorian mystery of how Lady Mabel Howard located some stolen jewellery using the divination technique known as automatic writing. And there’s a competition to win free copies of Paranormal Cumbria.


Lakeland Radio is at 101.1 and 101.8FM. The interview goes out at 11.10am and can be listened to again for a week or so via http://lakelandradio.co.uk/presenter/dan-beale/.