Tag Archives: dark radio

In which the Author talks poltergeists on Into the Dark Radio…


There is a podcast.

It is on Into the Dark Radio, www.intothedarkradio.net/apps/podcast/311740.

It is about poltergeists. Some of them from Scotland.

There is also wittering about poltergeists from the USA, Canada, France and other locations.

Vampires, demons, witches, fairies, thoughtforms and psychokinesis get a look-in.

Occasionally, jokes are made. One or two of them may even pass for being funny.

Into the Dark Radio is based in Ohio, yet can be heard and downloaded across the known world thanks to the miracle of the thing that all the cool kids are calling ‘the internet’.


Ta to Steve Rogers and Shawn McMahon for allowing me to maunder on. Follow them on that there Twitter, @IntoTheDrkRadio.