The Berlinale (Berlin Film Festival) and the associated European Film Market are collectively the most important European film business event after Cannes. I’ll be there this year, jointly pitching some horror and sci-fi projects with several producers from the UK, Canada and Italy, and also looking to make contacts for my own genre spec scripts. If you’re attending the EFM 2018 and want to meet up, send me a message via the contact page or LinkedIn.
Tag Archives: horror
In which A SIX-GUN FOR THE DEVIL reaches the Stage 32 semi-finalists…
My supernatural Western screenplay A SIX-GUN FOR THE DEVIL has advanced to the semi-finals of the Stage 32 Happy Writers Search for New Blood screenwriting contest.
From the announcement: “Our 2nd Annual Stage 32 Happy Writers Search for New Blood Screenwriting Contest was a record breaker! We received thousands of scripts from all over the world looking to compete in what has become one of the most highly respected screenwriting contests in the industry.”
Here’s the full list:
In which A SIX-GUN FOR THE DEVIL makes the Stage 32 Search for New Blood quarterfinals
My supernatural Western A SIX-GUN FOR THE DEVIL has made the quarter-finals of the Stage 32 Happy Writers Search for New Blood Screenwriting Competition.
I’m quite pleased about that.
Competition was fierce, as there were thousands of entries. Congratulations to the other quarter-finalists. Here is the announcement of the full list.