Tag Archives: holder

In which the author gives a talk on ghosts in St Andrews…


On Thursday 23rd February I’ll be in the St Andrews Public Library giving an illustrated talk on ghosts.


Entitled ‘Haunted St Andrews and Area,’ and based on the book of the same name, the talk will feature such supernatural denizens as:

The White Lady and The Haunted Tower


  • The Poltergeist of Pitmilly House (and other poltergeists)
  • Ghosts of The Pends and St Leonard’s School
  • Ghosts of Town and Gown
  • Death Warnings and a Vortex of Evil


The event starts at 7.30pm and tickets (which are selling fast) are £3.50. Call 01334 659378.

Location: St Andrews Library, Church Square (off Church Street, between South Street and Market Street), St Andrews, KY16 9NN. More details and map here.


In which the author launches Haunted Dundee with a signing at Waterstones…


My next book, Haunted Dundee, is published on 26th January. So, manic grin in place, I’ll be signing copies that day in the Dundee Waterstones branch.


The book explores several centuries of Dundonian hauntings. There are stories of poltergeists, malevolent entities, apparitions, strange sounds, doppelgangers, visionary experiences and much more. The incidents range from 1706 to the present day, and include the tales of the White Ladies of Coffin Mill and Balgay Bridge, the hauntings of the historic ships Discovery and Unicorn, and a host of personal ghost sightings told to me by contemporary eye-witnesses.


Other cases include some truly bizarre episodes of apparent hallucinations of ghostly individuals investigated by a distinguished psychiatrist who was also a member of the Society of Psychical Research.


To celebrate, I’ll be signing copies on Thursday 26th January at the Waterstones branch at 35 Commercial Street, Dundee. Map here!



I’ll be in store between 1 and 2.30 p.m. Ish. If you can’t make it at the time, you could always call the shop on 0843 290 8287 and ask them to reserve a copy, which I’ll sign for you to pick up later. (They’ll probably have copies of Paranormal Dundee for sale as well.)


Watch the trailer for Haunted Dundee now!