Tag Archives: the counting house

In which the author talks poltergeists at the Edinburgh Fortean Society…


cbkOn Tuesday 12th February I’ll be giving an illustrated talk based on my book Poltergeist over Scotland to that distinguished body of men and women, the Edinburgh Fortean Society. The venue is The Counting House38 West Nicolson Street, EH8 9DD.  The event kicks off at 7.30pm and everyone is welcome. Entry £1.

Poltergeist over Scotland is the first history of Scottish poltergeists, covering 400 years of Caledonian clangings, bangings, fires and fetid smells. I’ll reveal the source of the ‘Cursed Egyptian Bone’ case of 1930s Edinburgh, elucidate the outcome of the Trinity Poltergeist legal case, and identify the earliest poltergeist in Scotland… which was in Edinburgh.

Expect destruction, chaos and scenes of pointless violence from the very beginning.