Tag Archives: short story

In which the author wins the THRESHOLDS International Feature Writing Competition…


A few days ago I wrote that an essay I had written was selected for the shortlist of the prestigious THRESHOLDS International Feature Writing Competition, run by the University of Chichester, ‘home of the international short story forum’.


Today (Wednesday 25 April 2012) the winner was announced.






The winning essay, ‘We Recommend: H.P. Lovecraft’ can be found on the THRESHOLDS site, http://blogs.chi.ac.uk/shortstoryforum/?p=9723.


Comments from the judging panel: ‘an instantly engaging essay’; ‘sharp, rigorous but highly readable’; ‘exquisitely polished’; ‘rich in its use of language’; ‘wonderfully wry and stylish’; ‘expert, nuanced, energetic’; ‘I’ve never been particularly interested in Lovecraft but I certainly am now’.

In which the author succeeds in the realm of romantic fiction (and chocolate)…


Choc Lit, publishers of romantic fiction, have just announced the short list for their chocolate-themed 2012 Short Story Competition. And, nestling among the ten candidates on the list, is a story by yours truly. If you are of the opinion that romantic fiction is a bit of a stretch from what I usually write, then I invite you to consider the title of the piece, and what it implies for the content. It’s called Blood and Chocolate…


The full short-list can be found here.