Many thanks to all the folks who came along to the ‘Hanged By The Neck Until Ye Be Dead’ event at Perth. We had almost 70 people in the audience, and despite the prolix author almost running out of time towards the end (So many murders! So little time!) things went swimmingly.
There were death warrants, gibbets, pools of blood, shotgun blasts and execution sites. The questions were insightful and penetrating, and in some cases even received a sensible answer in return. A nod of appreciation to the Friends of Perth & Kinross Archives for inviting me, and for facilitating the event, and my thanks to the Local Studies Department of the AK Bell Library for providing many of the images used in the talk.
For the next talk, I’m pitching up at the University of Worcester (16 April) to discuss cannibalism in Dundee. Ah, happy days…
Geoff Holder