On Monday 21st October the “Life Matters’ section of The Courier featured some beardy bloke holding a sheep
skull and grinning inanely. Oh wait, that was me….
The piece by Caroline Lindsay comes a few days before I’m giving two talks on ‘Bodysnatching in Scone’ at Scone Palace. AND, people, goodness me there are strange things afoot, for during the Saturday talk I’ll be filmed by a
crew from TF1, the French equivalent of BBC1, for a ‘Halloween in Scotland’ special. Come along and you too
could be on le French telly…
The talks, which are suitable for over 16s, will take place at 1pm on 26th and 27th October, in the Murray Suite at Scone Palace. Tickets, which cost £10 per person and also include grounds admission, must be pre-booked by
telephoning 01738 552300 or emailing visits@scone-palace.co.uk. The full range of Spooky Hallowe’en Weekend events can be found at www.scone-palace.co.uk
Venue: Scone Palace, Scone, Perth PH2 6BD.